Paraguay: Mit Schiff auf Rio Paraguay ab Concepcion südl.?

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Paraguay: Mit Schiff auf Rio Paraguay ab Concepcion südl.?

Ungelesener Beitrag von Marta »


ich möchte gerne Paraguay bereisen.
Gibt es eine Möglichkeit mit einem Boot auf dem Rio Paraguay von der Stadt Concepcion nach Süden zu schippern?
An welchen Tagen?
Ab wo genau?

Wäre super wenn jemand eine Antwort hätte.

Sonnige Grüße aus B rasilien <verunkenntlicht >
Marta 8)
Ich bin lange und weit gereist, aber immer noch nicht bei mir angekommen.
Aktives WRF-Mitglied
Beiträge: 74
Registriert: 19 Sep 09 17:20
Wohnort: lebe-reisend

Paraguay: Mit Schiff auf Rio Paraguay ab Concepcion südl.?

Ungelesener Beitrag von Marta »

So, ich bin nun selbst hin geradelt und habe nachgefragt. Es gibt ein Boot von Conceptcion nach Asuncion immer am Samstag, allerdings habe ich keine genaue Abfahrtszeit. Ich habe nicht das Schiff, sondern den B us genommen.

Es gibt von Concepcion auch ein Boot nach Norden ins Chato immer am Dienstag. Hierfür muss man das Tiket rechtzeitig kaufen. Da es in diese Richtung keine Busverbindungen gibt, werden auch viele Waren auf dem Wasserweg transportiert.

Das Schiffs-Büro befindet sich am Hafen und ist etwas schwer zu finden, da kein Schild an der Türe ist, am besten im Laden an der Ecke nachfragen.

Sonnige Grüße
Ich bin lange und weit gereist, aber immer noch nicht bei mir angekommen.
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Registriert: 03 Jun 10 21:01

Paraguay: Mit Schiff auf Rio Paraguay ab Concepcion südl.?

Ungelesener Beitrag von Sivibesteiro »

Travel to the Paraguayan Pantanal

Your destination will be Bahía Negra, the closest town to our Paraguayan Pantanal Nature Reserve. From Bahía Negra it is a 45-60 minute boat ride up the río Paraguay and the río Negro before reaching our 15,000 hectare reserve. The price for the use of our boat is U$D 30 per day, plus gas. The price of gas round-trip from Bahía Negra to our reserve is approximately U$D 62.50. Using the boat around the lodge will be on a pay-as-you-go basis. There are also canoes and horses that may be utilized for reaching different areas of the reserve.


BY ROAD -- it is possible to rent a four-wheel drive truck from TOURING AND AUTOMÓVIL CLUB -- Tel. (+595 21) 447 945, based out of Asunción -- a Mitsubishi Montero or Nissan Patrol -- that include insurance on non-asphalted roads. This is important because the route from Asunción to Bahía Negra is asphalted for approximately 470 km to Cruce Pioneros, then non-asphalted (dirt) for approximately 450 km to Bahía Negra and car rental agencies such as Avis/Hertz/National do not offer this type of insurance.

As of January 7th, 2009, the prices for a six (6) day rental were as follows:
MITSUBISHI MONTERO -- Gs. 5,808,000 (U$D 1,148.51 with the exchange rate on March 11th, 2009), this includes taxes, unlimited kilometers and insurance on paved and dirt roads
NISSAN PATROL -- Gs. 8,131,200 (U$D 1607.92 as of March 11th), includes taxes, unlimited kilometers and insurance on paved and dirt roads.

There is also a bus service which leaves Asunción at 1900 hs on Tuesdays and arrives in Bahía Negra after midday on Wednesday. Its cost is Gs. 190,000 (U$D 37.57).

BY BOAT -- BARCO AQUIDABÁN -- Tel. (+595 331) 242 435 -- based out of Concepción, Paraguay.
SCHEDULE: Leaves Concepción on Tuesdays at 11:00 am, arriving Friday dawn in Bahía Negra
PRICES: Ticket price of Gs. 100,000 (U$D 19.77)
Room price of Gs. 80,000 (U$D 15.82)
INCLUDES: The ticket price of Gs. 100,000 is the price to get on the boat and travel to Bahía Negra. The price for a room is Gs. 80,000 on top of the Gs. 100,000. For those not choosing to rent a room, it is recommended that they take a hammock (easily found on the street or the markets of Asunción). Food is not included, but there is a small bar with empanadas and other traditional snack foods, although these provisions are known to run out. It is recommended that people bring their own food and water for the 3 1/2 day trip. This is not a luxurious trip, as it is mostly used to take products from Concepción to Bahía Negra. It does not travel during the week before Easter (Holy Week), or the week of Christmas/New Year's.

PLEASE NOTE: Reaching Concepción to embark on the Aquidabán -- bus trip from Asunción to Concepción, which is usually better at night, as you must be in Concepción on Tuesday morning at 11 am. Price -- Gs. 70,000 (U$D 13.84). Duration -- approximately 5-6 hours.

BY AIR -- there are two forms of air travel to Bahía Negra -- TAM (Transporte Aereo Militar, not the Mercosur airline), and chartered plane.

TAM -- Tel. (+595 981) 191 786, Sonia Suárez -- this is a service that has just recently re-opened. It travels on Fridays and/or Wednesdays depending on the demand. The price for a one-way ticket is Gs. 350,000 (U$D 69.21) and takes about two hours to reach Bahía Negra.

Chartered airplane -- on a reservation basis, and we tend to use the two following companies:

AIRMEN S.A. -- Tel. (+595 21) 645 990 / 645 980 and (+595 981) 909 761 / 415 473 (cellular phone, 24-hr attention) --
PRICE: Single motor for five (5) passengers -- U$D 1,625 for 2 days/1 night (overnight is U$D 50 per night, plus room and board for the pilot).
Twin motor for nine (9) passengers -- U$D 3,360 for 2 days/1 night (overnight is U$D 50 per night, plus room and board for the pilot).

AEROTAX, S.A. -- Tel. (+595 21) 645 616 / 646 523 -
PRICE: Single motor for three (3) passengers -- U$D 1,290 (overnight is U$D 50 per night, plus room and board for the pilot).
Twin motor for six (6) passengers -- U$D 2,488 (overnight is U$D 50 per night, plus room and board for the pilot).
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